We are Jersey’s all-embracing disability charity and give help to islanders of all ages and with all types of disability.

Our vision is for a community that is strong, capable and inclusive, where disabled people can live a life without limits. We want to remove the barriers that limit disabled islanders and drive change that ultimately benefits everyone in our community.

We’ve been around since 1970 and you may have previously known us as The Jersey Society for the Disabled. A lot has changed in Jersey since we started, yet disabled people still face unnecessary barriers to work, education, transport, information, equipment, care and easy access to the community.

What we do

  • Offer advice, support and information to anybody living in Jersey who lives with a disability or long-term health condition.
  • Raise awareness and understanding of disability in general and work to make Jersey a more disability friendly island.
  • Champion inclusion, and the promotion of human rights and equality for all those living with a disability as well as their family and carers.
  • Give a voice to all those living with disability and ensure their experience is heard and listened to.
  • Solely or in partnership with others, explore new ways and develop new projects to support those living with a disability in Jersey.


Jersey is a strong, capable and inclusive community where disabled people live a life without limits.


We put people first

We look beyond processes, push boundaries, and are driven by our purpose.

We have integrity

We choose courage over comfort and do the right thing. We accountable for our actions.

We make a difference together

We know that two heads are better than one. We take time to nurture relationships and look for better ways to achieve our shared aims.

We are open to innovation

We listen to new ideas and respect different perspectives. We welcome a fresh pair of eyes and are open to different ways of doing things.


We were founded by June Beslievre and Barbara Marie in 1970 when we were known as The Jersey Society for the Disabled. We were set up with the simple aim of making things better for disabled people in Jersey and focused on helping elderly disabled islanders to get together regularly and provided financial support where it was needed most.

We were a voluntary organisation until 2016 when we employed an Executive Officer to help us develop and broaden our services. In November of the same year, we changed our name to Enable Jersey – a name that reflects how attitudes towards disability are changing and our focus now is on empowering islanders with a disability.

Our Team

Our day-to-day services and activities are managed by a small but effective team. Together they have wide-ranging skills and experience and use these to make a big difference for disabled islanders.

Our Board of Trustees

Our Board of Trustees oversees our direction and governance. They ensure we take a well-rounded approach to everything we do and that the decisions we make are in line with our charitable objectives.

They are a talented group and possess extraordinary skills and experience in a wide range of sectors, both public and private.

News & Events

We run a number of events throughout the year. Check out up-and-coming events or see what we’ve been up to recently in our news section.